About Me

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Whimsy comes in many forms and if you are lucky enough to encounter even one of them, your life will change forever. Jedi Queen is one of those whimsical creatures. She spends her entire life living on the edges. Growing up off the grid she lived the hippy life before it became main stream. After high school she left the farm for more concrete pastures and bucked her anarchist roots for post secondary values. A Master's degree in Clinical Social work and another in Art Therapy lead to private practice as an Existential Sherpa. To her parent's horror she married a doctor and settled into a life of suburban banality which lasted all of six months. Now days Jedi Queen and the Good Doctor divide time between their yorkie minions and ancient obese cat with epic overland adventuring. You can take the girl from the wild but you can't take the wild out of the girl!

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Silk Roadapalooza 2014

If your going to have a travel blog it is probably a good idea to start with where you are actually going. For all of you who have been wondering where the hell we are off to this time here it is!

The Odyssey! (picture courtesy of Odyssey)

To be specific, we will spend 13 weeks exploring the following countries:

China,  Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and into Turkey, finishing in Istanbul.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are not on the itinerary.  Death by stoning isn't on my bucket list and Ken was not receptive to the Dalton Fury Relive the Hunt for Bin Laden Reality Tour add-on.  So don't expect any blog entries about trekking with retired special ops in the Khyber Pass or night clubbing in Kandahar.

For those of you who were literally and vicariously on the African Overland with us, this is pretty much the same style of travel with a few discernible differences:

1)  The chances of being trampled to death by a rogue bull elephant or angry hippo are nil.
2) The chances of jackals making off with your underpants, ALL your food (except a bottle of canola oil) and shitting in your shoes while you sleep should be almost nil
3) Our driver is not a drug mule (so far as we know...)

To sum up, this is an overland journey in a truck with tents, some home stays and actual rooms thrown in to keep people civilised.   We are hoping to recapture the joyous essence of overlanding without another "Survivor Meets Lord of the Flies" experience.  (Although the rogue elephant incident was kind of fun...sort of...well maybe not...<go to my happy place.  go to my happy place.>

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