Another country.
Another border crossing. Just
when you breathe a sigh of relieve over not getting a full body cavity search it is
back to the border for another fun filled adventure in bureaucratic
Ladies and gentlemen I bring you Turkmenistan – land of cult
leader worship and where nothing you see will ever make sense to you. Ever.
We begin this journey with the border.
As per usual, you line up, and s-l-o-w-l-y make you way through the
first check point where they guy looks at you and looks at your passport and
repeats this for about 15 minutes.
During this time he just keeps repeating your name and the country you
are from over and over as he stares at you.
Finally you are waved off and drag your bags down the road to another checkpoint. Here they collect your passports and you
stand around for two hours. Who knows why
– we are the only ones there so it’s not like there are throngs of arrivals at
the gates. Eventually one by one we are
called in to a kiosk that has a woman filling out receipts. She wants money for them. They are part of the process we paid for already
to get in but since her boss isn’t around she figures she can hold us hostage
for the paper work. Meanwhile the guy in
the kiosk beside her is yelling out our names to come get our passport (which
we can’t do unless we have these stupid pieces of paper – in triplicate – all
written individually.)
Then its drag your bags down another long strength of nothingness
to a building that has an x-ray machine in it.
You put your bags on and the guard screams at you “DO YOU HAVE
WEAPONS!?!?? OPEN YOUR BAG!!! WHAT IS THAT!?!? STOP TALKING!!” Two things they are really, really interested
in is weapons and carpets. Apparently a
box full of kitchen knives and an Axe are completely acceptable. But god forbid you didn’t tell them about the
Leatherman tool you had in your day bag.
Or the nail clippers…
LUNCHTIME! Yep – time
for the place to shut down and leave us on a hot tarmac in limbo. We tried to find shade and a place to sit or
lie down but that kept getting thwarted by the screaming guard who barked something
unintelligible and then pointed to the many cameras watching us and then to one
of the many billboard size images of their leader – Rev. Jim Jones (or his doppelganger.) After a one-hour break the oh-so-busy border
patrol had to work in another 3 hours of idleness before they decided they
finally had “time” to check the truck and clear it for entry. This entailed a lot of opening and closing
of compartments (but no actually searching) and taking the cold beer from the
fridge (they left all the warm stuff) So there you have it! Arrive at border at 9:30 get through at
3:30. Apparently, we made good time on
this crossing.
Bush camp. Not much
to report on this one. It was a
desert. It had some bushes. Most of us were sick and just wanted to lie
down and die. Once our tent was up I
went to bed with no plans of eating or moving until morning. Ken came to the tent later on with some rice
and a few bits of stew and said, “You should eat something.” I did.
BIG MISTAKE. By midnight my body
had decided it was so done with this bug that it was going to go into full
evacuation mode. So I spent the next 6
hours squatting in Karakum making it literally the shittiest desert in the
world. Next morning Simon delicately
tells everyone that we need to leave the desert as we found it. Which was his way of saying, “Elizabeth, if
you are going to have explosive diarrhea all over the Silk Road, take a shovel
to bed with you and ask to borrow my lighter with a flashlight.” J
Onto Ashgabat – the capital of Turkmenistan and truly the
strangest place I have ever set eyes on.
There is some serious “over compensating” going on in this city. Ashgabat is very determined to be taken seriously
and has decided that in order for that to happen its city needs to have a
number of Guinness Records. Things like:
- City with the most white marble buildings
- City with the largest flagpole
- City with the largest enclosed Ferris wheel
- City with greatest number of fountains in public places.
The world record they SHOULD be holding is:
- City where all this stuff exists but NO ONE IS THERE or ever
uses it.
Seriously. Our
handler took us on a half-day tour (that lasted until 5 pm – don’t ask) where
we went to see all these glorious wonders.
In a city of almost 800,000 we saw 20 people – 12 were us. No one – I repeat – no one was in the marble
city. No people. No cars.
No animals or birds. The night
before Ken and I walked from our hotel in a more “normal” section of town to
the Sofitel. There was no one on the
streets – at all. When we got to this
massive 5 star hotel there was no one there.
Other than the bartender there was no people and no guests. The entire hotel was empty. But if you went to the bathroom and went back
30 seconds later, ANY evidence that a person was in there was gone. We asked our local handler why this was. He told us since we were out a night everyone
was at home sleeping (at 6:30 pm).
During our city tour when we asked why no one was at the sites, on the
road or on the university campuses he said it was because they were all at work
or in class. OK….
So after our Bio Shock sleep over we headed to another bush
camp to visit the crater of fire. Leave
it to Turkmenistan to take an ecological disaster and turn it into a tourist
attraction (personally, I would have loved the abseiling down the ancient
minaret but Odyssey had yet to build that in to the itinerary). The crater is the result of an exploratory
drilling fiasco 50 years ago that resulted in a massive sinkhole that also
perpetually bleeds natural gas. The
result – Burning Ring of Fire for perpetuity.
Or as our handler likes to put it “If it burns here we can attract lots
of tourists. Its better that way for
business development.” I think back to
the tourist brochure in our hotel in Ashgabat where it talked about a study
they did on building up their tourism economy.
It states, “Extensive data has made it clear that the business tourist
spends 11 times more than the knapsacker.
Ashgabat will become the business tourism capital of Central Asia with
hotels, casinos and places of business pleasure.”
So glad I got to see the fire crater before the Casino
Things you do when you have an entire amusement park to yourself because "everyone else is working or in class" |
BEHOLD! The world's largest marble plunger! |
Ken taking care of business ;-) |
When I become ruler of my own country I plan give the people what they want - a giant book about ME |
Love at the Wedding Palace |
The world's largest marble phallic symbol |
"Birds love me." |
Would you like a dove with your pickles? |
Odyssey 2014: A spaced out oddity |
"LUKE!! The Taun Tauns are back and they are not happy about what went on last winter..." |
Another day "womaning" the counter at the Bazaar |
Me and my Shadow at the Crater |
Hotness at the Hot Place |
"So yeah I'm thinking gift shop right here and a casino just across the crater." |
Sunset at the Crater |
F*** It. I'm dancing. |
The escalator to no where to the cafe that does not exist in the arcade that no one ever goes to... |
Ken and Kerbin in a heated debate over whether or not taking a photo of a gas station can or cannot cause an explosion. |
This will probably land me in prison... |
Taking some time to be at one with the Master |
Reflections of a Ferris Wheel |
The only latte ever made at the Sofitel for the only person who ever went there. |
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