About Me

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Whimsy comes in many forms and if you are lucky enough to encounter even one of them, your life will change forever. Jedi Queen is one of those whimsical creatures. She spends her entire life living on the edges. Growing up off the grid she lived the hippy life before it became main stream. After high school she left the farm for more concrete pastures and bucked her anarchist roots for post secondary values. A Master's degree in Clinical Social work and another in Art Therapy lead to private practice as an Existential Sherpa. To her parent's horror she married a doctor and settled into a life of suburban banality which lasted all of six months. Now days Jedi Queen and the Good Doctor divide time between their yorkie minions and ancient obese cat with epic overland adventuring. You can take the girl from the wild but you can't take the wild out of the girl!

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Running Wild

(There are many of you who will be doing amazing feats of endurance while we are away - marathons, triathlons, extreme running races etc.  Sadly, I won't be there to shower you with ice water and wipe the vomit off your race bib before the winner's photo is taken.  I dedicate this poem to you.  To all my friends who run with wolves.  For the one  (or two) of you who paddle board and club salmon, I need more scotch to churn out a poem in your honor.  Or at least, some fresh salmon...)

I have no love of running
A nominal activity that makes
A much larger statement about human nature

Running against the establishment
Running to put one self together again
Running to assert one’s dignity

Particular moments sharply seen
As precise looks on a human face
Stress, pain, defeat
Victory, exhilaration, joy

We were all young once
Fast and strong and full of glory
Few became accomplished runners
But many convincingly ran a-part
That made a greater whole

A memory of when we believed
We would win
If only we wanted it badly enough.

Leave it to the Marines to put a positive spin on suffering!

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